Mark Kolke
2 min readDec 19, 2021

What is it, and what is it for?

Photo by J-Photos on Unsplash

I’ve heard/read this conundrum against many backdrops, taken it to heart when scrutinizing the underpinnings of my life and times; whether a business aspiration, negotiating gambit, analyzing a predicament to solve, deconstructing an adventure’s success/failure, reflecting on career moves, or planning holiday extravaganzas.

I get the biz-lingo of buzzwords/condensations — SWOT, SIX-SIGMA, leaning-in, leaning out, etc., blah blah blah, blah blah blah …

Before we can offer our arrogant expertise and ego-centric dreams of what success will look like — and we should ask that, we should begin with the end in mind.

But first, it’s more rudimentary — self-analytical and worthy of that microscopic truth-telling self-examination I often talk and write about.

So, if you believe in a concept, it’s best to try it on yourself. I believe it wholeheartedly, but turning the spotlight on my shite is not so simple. I think it begins best with this question:

“Who are we, and what are we for?”

I’m human, Canadian, consumer/supplier of revenue to the economy, writer, realtor, publisher — that’s what I am.

But who/what am I for, and what am I against?

What values and principles are foundational to everything I do?

Photo by Mikhail Vasilyev on Unsplash

Am I just another ant* in the proverbial anthill? Yes.

Am I just another citizen of the census, a trivia fact-morsel, not integral to anything?

  • Wikipedia’s piece on Formicidae is fascinating. You’ll probably agree we have much to learn from these ancient, perhaps better evolved, critters’ adaptations to manage human society. They’ve learned important lessons for survival and success. Their ability to modify habitats, tap resources, and defend themselves deserve careful comparison …

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Mark Kolke

Writer ( ), speaker, recovered alcoholic, publisher, real estate, advocacy/seniors, empathy/people with disabilities, addictions.