Mark Kolke
2 min readDec 29, 2021

You’ve seen these — am I right?

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I see them hundreds of times a week, so I expect everyone gets bombarded too.

Not just by spammy-ads or scholarly articles designed to hook our attention and draw us in.

Beyond 12-step plans:

Three ways to ______. | The best 4 methods to ______. | How to ______ with these 7 steps.

Wouldn’t it be convenient to deposit our fee or sign up for a subscription — for something that would genuinely change and improve our lives, health, relationships, fitness and reduce our weight while burning the flabby fat?

Everyone has a formula for sale this time of year — from fitness centers to retirement planners, from ad writers to doom saying zealots — their mantras are so similar, pitching that we must buy into their seven rules, ten commandments, or 12 steps for everything.

But how many things can we realistically address or change at one time?

Photo by marianne bos on Unsplash

For most of us, one is hard enough.

We know the power we have when we focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else. Call it concentration, call it binge-watching the newest season of your favourite show, call it training, call it compulsive behaviour — call it anything you want, but recognize that it doesn’t just apply to ‘those other people.’

We all have this, yet we try to intellectualize our way past it by believing we can adhere to a new business plan, finance management strategy, a workout routine and diet change that will trim the pounds + a few new year’s resolutions. It’s nonsense, yet we all do it. Some might not write it down, but we all do this. We don’t do it in April, or July, or October. It’s January, it’s January 1st, looking forward like a ship’s lookout spying for land, joining the door-crasher crowds for post-Christmas bargains — we all want to change something.

And, while we’re up to it …

Let’s change someone else. Let’s change the company, re-shape our industry — and invent a new thang to make every old thang obsolete.

Some recent talks: Mark Speaks



Mark Kolke

Writer ( ), speaker, recovered alcoholic, publisher, real estate, advocacy/seniors, empathy/people with disabilities, addictions.